Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mr Ellis
Welcome to our Year Three Class at Mersey Vale!
Mr Ellis - Class Teacher
Year 3 is an exciting time at Mersey Vale! As the chidlren begin their first year in Key Stage Two, we will share our achievements with regular updates through our Class Story on Class Dojo, so please make sure you are connected and leave us a comment to share in our learning.
The Year 3 class is taught by Mr Matthew Ellis. The teacher and children are supported in class by Ms Wilding and Mrs Aziz. Our midday assistants are Mrs Mobbs and Ms Wilding.
Attached below is an annual overview of the topics and curriculum that we will be covering during the coming academic year. This is broken down into more detail in our termly curriculum newsletter, which is available from the school office or can be viewed on the curriculum newsletter page on this site.
Start and end of the day
The school day is from 8.40am – 3.20pm Monday – Friday. Please wait with your child in the Pencil Playground. A member of staff will be there to greet you and your child at 8:40am, with doors closing at 8:50am. The register is taken at 8.55 am. If children arrive after 8:40am when we have closed our doors, please ensure they report to the school office on arrival.
At 3.20pm a member of staff from the Y3 team will be waiting to greet you and handover your child/ children. If you wish to speak to a member of staff then please phone us or send a secure message using Class Dojo, as parents/carers will not be routinely allowed into school without an appointment.
Healthy Snack
At Mersey Vale we offer healthy snacks for children to enjoy at morning break time. The price of snacks is 25p per item and this should be paid using Parentpay. Most children have two items each day (snack and drink) and this costs £2.50 per week. The cost of snacks for this half term for those of you who prefer to pay it in full in advance is £18.50. Children who prefer to bring their own snack from home may bring healthy items but chocolate biscuits, crisps, sweets and fizzy drinks must not be brought as snacks. Any snacks from home should be taken into class and stored in your child’s tray until playtime. Please help your child to make healthy choices.
All classes take part in weekly PE sessions of gymnastics/dance/games as timetabled. Children are expected to change into their PE kit; a Mersey Vale kit is available - t-shirt, shorts and PE bag. Children should also have navy jogging bottoms and sweatshirt in cold weather. A hooded sweatshirt with the school logo is available and costs approximately £12.25 depending on the size. Please speak to the school office for more information about how any of these items can be ordered. Please ensure all items of clothing (including their uniform) are labelled with your child’s name inside. We find it most useful for children to bring PE kits into school on Monday and leave them in school until Friday. Y3 PE sessions will happen this term on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Homework is given to all children throughout the school in line with our Homework Policy. Brief details of the homework that will be set for Year Three are as follows:
- Homework is given out each Friday to be handed back into class the following Thursday.
- Spellings are given out each Friday to be tested the following Friday.
- Children are also encouraged to learn their multiplication tables.
- All children have a home/ school reading record book and they should aim to complete a short amount of reading each night.
Please read the letter below for more information about the school day and our classroom routines.
We hope you find the information on this page useful, but if you have any unanswered questions, please contact a member of the Year 3 team via Class Dojo, or through the school office.
Kind regards,
The Year Three Team
Year 3 Curriculum
Useful Websites
This term we will be learning about prehistory! Read all about the Stone Age to Iron Age here!
In Science this term we will be learning about rocks. Learn all about rocks here.
Upcoming topics:
Our forthcoming geography topic is all about volcanoes which you can begin to find out about here.
In October we celebrate Black History Month. Click here to find out all about it.
Useful websites all year:
Some interesting free maths games.
These are good too!
A huge variety of games, videos and articles to explore
This is a great site for maths games to support the curriculum. The free games are great!
Files to Download
Year 3: Events items
KS2 Awards Assembly @ 9.15am, by Miss Blair
KS2 Production, 1.30pm, by Miss Blair
KS2 Production, 6pm, by Miss Blair