
We will add guidance to this page for various aspects of school life.

Translating web pages on the school website

Many of our parents and carers have difficulty with English as it is not their first language. In order to convert the content language our our website pages, (when using anything other than a mobile telephone) you can simply click the small globe at the top right of any page and then select the language of your choice. This then converts any page content (but not linked documents) to this language.

To revert back to English or another language you can click the globe again or click the down arrow that has now appeared on the left side of the page (also at the top).

The translate button does not show on mobile devices as Google translate doesn't currently have a plugin for any mobile website. However, when mobile users initially set up their phones they will be asked to select a language, in their mobile browser settings and can select a language so websites that will be translated.

We hope that this helps parents and carers.


Upcoming courses to support parents/carers



Do you struggle when your child has a meltdown?

Would you like to know more about how to help your child stay calm and understand why this happens?

Then, why not come along to a virtual session! For parents of children up to 10 years old

20th June 2024; 19th September 2024; 7th November 2024

(These are the same seminar repeated half termly so you only need to join one).

The session will include useful information about understanding brain development, emotions and how to sensitively support your child to soothe them


Swimming Holiday Courses

Life Leisure run intensive swimming courses during school holidays at selected Life Leisure swimming pools.

The courses are a great opportunity to boost your child’s progression as they swim every day and therefore build up their confidence quickly.

Courses are available for ages 4 to 12 and abilities from beginners to improvers


Coffee and Connect Sessions

Are you a parent/carer of a neurodivergent child or young person looking for information or advice?

Come along and have a chat with colleagues from multi-diciplinary team which includes representatives from Educational Psychology, Primary Jigsaw, Secondary Jigsaw, Neurodevelopmental Team and Children's Therapy Services.

Upcoming dates:

Thursday 3rd October 2024

Thursday 21st November 2024

Wednesday 11th December 2024



Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC)

EPEC is a popular and successful parenting programme delivered by parents who live in their own community.

There are 3 EPEC parenting courses:

  • Being a Parent - for parents/carers of children aged 2-11 
  • Living with Teenagers - for parents/carers of adolscents aged 11-16
  • Being a Parent Together - for couples/co-parents to complete together

You can speak to a member of the EPEC team for any further information by telephoning 0161 406 9558

You can also email



School Meal Allergen Guidence 

Please use this link to our allegergen information to help you make choices about our school meals 


Money advice tool 


This guide provides guidance for parents and carers when allowing their children to play games online through various consoles and the internet generally. 


Student Login