Free online courses - Solihull Approach

Stockport is now offering completely free online courses around pregnancy, parenting and understanding the children in your life.
The courses are appropriate for anyone playing an active role in a child’s life, up until they are 19 – this could be mothers, fathers, partners, carers, professionals of all kinds, grandparents, other family and involved friends.
They are split into the following topics:
- Understanding your pregnancy, birth, labour and your baby
- Understanding your baby (0-12 months)
- Understanding your child (0-19 years)
- Understanding your child with additional needs (0-19 years)
- Understanding your teenager’s brain (short course)
- Understanding your brain (course for teenagers)
The courses are available in multiple languages, and look at brain development, play, styles of parenting, sleep, temper tantrums, communication and more. Additional courses will be added as they become available.
They can be completed in privacy at any time of day – each course is delivered in 20 minute chunks.
How to access these courses for free
The course usually costs £39 per person, however by following the steps below, you can join for free:
- Visit the Our Place website
- Use access code ‘REDROCK’
- You will be asked to create an account so that you can resume the course where you last left off.
- You will also be asked to verify your postcode to make sure that you’re a Stockport resident. This personal information will remain private.