Holiday support for families entitled to free school meals during the Easter school holidays

Holiday Support for Families during the Easter School Holidays

Stockport Council will soon be sending out information to families eligible for benefits related Free School Meals about the voucher scheme for Easter. Vouchers will be sent to eligible families by email  and can be redeemed at local stores and supermarkets that support Paypoint. The vouchers can be used for food, fuel and other essentials and will have an extended expiry date of June 2021. Families for which there is no email address on record will receive a supermarket voucher by post.

In addition, there are limited holiday activities and activity packs available during the Easter holidays for eligible families in receipt of benefits related Free School Meals. If you would like to receive more information about the activity packs or holiday clubs operating please send an email with your name and address to or contact the Coronavirus helpline on 0161 217 6046. Life Leisure will also be offering sports based sessions in various locations across the Borough. For more information go to

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