Wow Moments this year…
Excellent work linked to ‘Colour Monster’
Brilliant book time sessions!
We are working really hard during our Focus group times.
Lovely sharing of Identity Backpacks. Thank you for support from home.
Super storytelling and imaginative play! We are creating our own stories using props to develop our understanding of the features of a story: character, setting, problem and solution. Wow!
Fantastic story maps completed at home with parents/ carers. Thank you for your support.
Fabulous Fairy Tale character drawing and writing efforts. We have made a class book of our favourite characters.
Come and see your child’s patch on the ‘Wow Wall’. Lots to share and celebrate.
Superb book time sessions! We are all trying really hard to look at the pictures and words and talk about what is happening, using pointers to track the print from left to right and I spy glasses to spot individual letters and key words 🙂
Many of the children are developing an awareness of rhyme and alliteration through sharing high quality texts and taking part in fun and challenging adult-led activities. Having the opportunity to revisit these areas in different ways is enabling children to apply their developing knowledge, understanding and skills. Please support at home by creating rhyming strings (real and nonsense words) and making up your own tongue twisters.
We have particularly enjoyed sharing the story ‘Stick Man’ (Julia Donaldson), using pictures and words to sequence the story. We are also learning the song with signing.
Excellent efforts when listening to fairy tale stories and trying hard to answer questions, including: what, when, where, who, why and how.
We have a Book Stand in our classroom where our Class Favourite Reads are kept and children regularly choose these books to revisit during independent and group reading time.